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Journal of Biblical Counseling

about the journal

Articles for biblical counseling & interpersonal ministry

For more than 40 years, CCEF’s Journal of Biblical Counseling has provided a forum for the development of clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling. We do this by publishing articles that faithfully bring the God of truth, mercy, and power to the issues that face the pastoral ministries of counseling and discipleship.

Journal articles cover a broad range of biblical counseling and methodology topics. Many are written by CCEF faculty, and we also welcome articles from other authors, pastors, and practitioners in the field.

The JBC Archive

Access to the digital JBC Archive is included with all individual subscriptions. The Archive includes all previous issues (over 1,100 articles) and is searchable and integrated into our website. With the online Archive, you will receive each new digital issue immediately upon publication.

$21 per year

$36 / $42 per year

$52 / $55 per year

latest issue

Vol. 38 No. 2

Letter from the Editor

Kimberly Monroe

The JBC’s late editor, David Powlison, was committed to our content being both biblical and useful. “We do practical theology,” he would say, and I believe we have met that goal in this issue. These articles range from how Scripture embraces the use of the body in worship to the God-given benefits of singing. Every page of this issue is intended to bless your ministry in practical ways. We hope you agree.

A Biblical Rationale for Embodied Spiritual Practices

Michael R. Emlet

Why should biblical counselors be concerned with the body? To answer this question, Emlet traces the role of bodily practices from creation to consummation and offers implications for our lives and for counseling. “To be ‘spiritual,’” he says, “is not some otherworldly, disembodied experience of God, but a real flesh-and-blood existence lived in concrete ways of obedience before him.”

Christ's Kingship and Counseling

Carly Robinson

An essential part of the plan of redemption centers on the coming of a divinely appointed human king who reigns eternally over all the earth. Robinson lays out the biblical revelation of this truth and makes it practical with three ways it can bless counselors and three ways it can bless counselees.

Ministry Made Visual and Concrete

edward t. welch

Jesus taught in everyday language, using rich metaphors and meaningful stories, but our ministries are often weighed down with abstract, theological terms that are too hard for people to understand. Welch’s goal is to help us grow in speaking about God using words that are clear and concrete enough to be understood and remembered by a child.

The Benefits of Singing

Karl B. Hood

Do you sing out loud by yourself? Hood hopes so. He lays out the biblical evidence that God made us to sing and posits that when we sing Christian songs, we are blessed in body and soul. He suggests several ways to incorporate singing into your counseling ministry, especially when you might otherwise assign a breathing exercise.

Bringing Hope in the Aftermath of Trauma: Danielle’s Story

esther liu

Using the story of a woman named Danielle, Liu describes how a trauma victim can develop ways of living that cause them to feel different and isolated from other people. These patterns are often resistant to change and can lead to deep discouragement and loneliness. Liu reminds us that Scripture is a story of hope, and she describes the specific passages that helped Danielle believe that hope is for her, too.

Book Notes: Volume 4

Michael Gembola

Our “Book Notes” column offers reviews of recent books on topics such as postpartum depression, group-based counseling ministry, and navigating partisan issues in churches.

JBC Vol. 38:2 (2024)

Purchase the print or digital edition of the Journal of Biblical Counseling 38:2.

pdf: $5

print: $13

Decorative background image

—David Powlison
Late Senior Editor of the JBC

Editorial Staff

Senior Editorial Board

Michael R. Emlet
J. Alasdair Groves
Edward T. Welch

managing editor

Kimberly Monroe

Developmental Editor

Lauren Whitman

consulting editor

Michael Gembola

assistant editor

Brandon Peterson


Aubrynn Whitted

More Information

JBC Submissions

We welcome articles from other authors, pastors, and practitioners in the field. Find out how to write for us below.

Write for the JBC

JBC Copyright Permissions

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Individual & Past Issues

Though subscribers receive each new issue as it's published, you may want to purchase individual or past issues. You can find them below. (Note: all subscribers receive access to the online JBC Archive, which contains all past issues.)

Volume 38 (2024)
Volume 37 (2023)
Volume 36 (2022)
Volume 35 (2021)
Volume 34 (2020)
Volume 33 (2019)
Volume 32 (2018)
Volume 31 (2017)
Volume 30 (2016)
Volume 29 (2015)
Volume 28 (2014)
Volume 27 (2013)
Volume 26 (2012)
Volume 25 (2007)
Volume 24 (2006)
Volume 23 (2005)
Volume 22 (2003–4)
Volume 21 (2002–3)
Volume 20 (2001–2)
Volume 19 (2000–1)
Volume 18 (1999–2000)
Volume 17 (1998–9)
Volume 16 (199782)
Volume 15 (1996–7)
Volume 14 (1995–6)
Volume 13 (1994–5)
Volume 12 (1993–4)
Volume 11 (1992–3)
Volume 2 (1978)
Volume 1 (1977)


This JBC collection for Logos includes 39 years of past articles (1977–2016; 99 issues). It contains the 36 issues of the Journal of Pastoral Practice as well as 63 issues of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (through 2016). The 99 back issues include nearly 1,000 articles, book reviews, sermons, interviews, and editorials.

In the Logos edition, you can search and read the entire collection in Logos apps everywhere, whether home, work, or mobile. The Logos edition currently includes issues through Vol. 30. Every few years Logos and CCEF will provide an update collection to add new issues to the collection. For more information about updates to your Logos product, please reach out to Logos Customer Service.

JBC on Accordance

This resource requires Accordance 10.4 or above. This JBC collection for Accordance includes 40 years of past articles (1977–2017; 102 issues). It contains the 37 issues of the Journal of Pastoral Practice as well as 65 issues of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (through 2017). The 102 back issues include nearly 1,000 articles, book reviews, sermons, interviews, and editorials.

In the Accordance edition, you can search and read the entire collection in Accordance apps everywhere, whether home, work, or mobile. The Accordance edition currently includes issues through Vol. 31. Every few years Accordance and CCEF will provide an update collection to add new issues to the collection. For more information about updates to your Accordance product, please reach out to Accordance Customer Service.