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Journal of Biblical Counseling

about the journal

Articles for biblical counseling & interpersonal ministry

For more than 40 years, CCEF’s Journal of Biblical Counseling has provided a forum for the development of clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling. We do this by publishing articles that faithfully bring the God of truth, mercy, and power to the issues that face the pastoral ministries of counseling and discipleship.

Journal articles cover a broad range of biblical counseling and methodology topics. Many are written by CCEF faculty, and we also welcome articles from other authors, pastors, and practitioners in the field.

The JBC Archive

Access to the digital JBC Archive is included with all individual subscriptions. The Archive includes all previous issues (over 1,100 articles) and is searchable and integrated into our website. With the online Archive, you will receive each new digital issue immediately upon publication.

Subscription Options

$21 per year

Individual Digital Subscription

(archive access included)

$36 / $42 per year

Individual Print Subscription

(archive access included)

$52 / $55 per year

Institutional Print Subscription

(no archive access)

latest issue

Vol. 38 No. 1

Letter from the Editor

Kimberly Monroe

If you are a counselor or pastor, you work to help people with problems nearly every day, and case studies are a good way to learn how to do so. In this issue, we are introducing a new format for them, initiated by JBC’s consulting editor, Michael Gembola. We hope you will find this useful to your ministry. Let us know what you think!

Psalms 129, 130, and 131: A Framework for Trauma Care

Todd Stryd

This article offers a biblical framework to help people who have experienced trauma. “The Bible is about recovery,” says Stryd. He asserts that Psalms 129, 130, and 131 form a liturgy of recovery that can help a person work through what happened to them and begin to heal. He shows how this liturgy works with a case study and ends with the recognition that Jesus, as the fulfillment of the Psalms, is everything we need to be made whole again and recover from trauma.

The Empty Nest: Beauty for Ashes

Janet Nygren

This author knows firsthand about the struggles of the empty nest. Nygren tells her story and urges counselors and churches to recognize the many issues that impact this stage of life. Her advocacy is based on the fact that people experiencing the empty nest might not realize the role it plays in their struggles and not ask for help. She offers a biblical framing for this transitional phase with a perspective that is realistic and positive.

Expanding Our Vision of The 7th Commandment

Aaron Sironi

“You shall not commit adultery.” These words of the seventh commandment seem clear, but Sironi expands our view to see that they are far more than a simple prohibition. Obeying this commandment requires more than abstaining from extramarital sex. It involves the commitment of body and soul to sexual chastity, a faithful heart committed to loving care, and a willingness to cultivate contentment in the spouse God has given you. This is a must-read for those who do marriage counseling.

Scrupulosity: A Case Study and Discussion

Michael gembola

This case study is presented in an interview format bringing you the wisdom and experience of two of CCEF’s seasoned counselors, Mike Emlet and Darby Strickland. The story of Jane is set in a church context, and to enhance its use as a training tool for groups, Gembola provides a list of discussion questions to consider before reading the interview.

Book Notes: Volume 3

Michael Gembola

This issue continues our series of book reviews to help you know what is available to read in counseling and pastoral care. Gembola discusses nine books that address topics such as improving church culture, anxiety in teens, and miscarriage. There is something for everyone here.

JBC Vol. 38:1 (2024)

Purchase the print or digital edition of the Journal of Biblical Counseling 38:1.

pdf: $5

print: $13

Decorative background image

—David Powlison
Late Senior Editor of the JBC

Editorial Staff

Senior Editorial Board

Michael R. Emlet
J. Alasdair Groves
Edward T. Welch

managing editor

Kimberly Monroe

Developmental Editor

Lauren Whitman

consulting editor

Michael Gembola

assistant editor

Brandon Peterson


Aubrynn Whitted

More Information

JBC Submissions

We welcome articles from other authors, pastors, and practitioners in the field. Find out how to write for us below.

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JBC Copyright Permissions

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Individual & Past Issues

Though subscribers receive each new issue as it's published, you may want to purchase individual or past issues. You can find them below. (Note: all subscribers receive access to the online JBC Archive, which contains all past issues.)

Volume 37 (2023)
Volume 36 (2022)
Volume 35 (2021)
Volume 34 (2020)
Volume 33 (2019)
Volume 32 (2018)
Volume 31 (2017)
Volume 30 (2016)
Volume 29 (2015)
Volume 28 (2014)
Volume 27 (2013)
Volume 26 (2012)
Volume 25 (2007)
Volume 24 (2006)
Volume 23 (2005)
Volume 22 (2003–4)
Volume 21 (2002–3)
Volume 20 (2001–2)
Volume 19 (2000–1)
Volume 18 (1999–2000)
Volume 17 (1998–9)
Volume 16 (199782)
Volume 15 (1996–7)
Volume 14 (1995–6)
Volume 13 (1994–5)
Volume 12 (1993–4)
Volume 11 (1992–3)
Volume 1 (1977)