2025 CCEF National Conference
October 3–5 | Hershey, PA
As followers of Jesus, we are given new life. We are transformed by the Spirit, and so is our care for one another—care that is expressed not only by what we say but by how we say it, what we do, and who we are. In counseling, we call this content and method—in biblical terms, speaking truth in love.
In Paul’s ministry, we see the outworkings of this new life. From the riches of Romans to the rebukes of Galatians, we find more than a rich theology—we see wise soul care at work. Paul shows us what it looks like to pray fervently, persevere, get angry, encourage, commend, and rejoice. He knew people, he knew God, and he knew how to apply that knowledge in his care for others, rooted in Christ’s perfect love.
At the 2025 CCEF National Conference, we will seek to learn from a man whose life and ministry were transformed by the eternal risen Christ. Join us from October 3–5 in Hershey, Pennsylvania, in person or virtually.

This year, we’re excited to announce that all attendees will receive download access to all session audio after the conference, in addition to virtual access during the weekend.

“Thank you CCEF for such a robust and nourishing conference! Our hearts are full, our minds are full, and we feel so held by our gracious and good Heavenly Father. Your endeavors are impacting lives by God’s grace.”
—2024 conference attendee
Hershey Lodge & Convention Center
325 University Drive
Hershey, PA 17033