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Alasdair GrovesDavid Powlison

Best of Psychology with David Powlison

November 13, 2017


“We’re back today with another episode of our series, ‘Best of Psychology.’ The basic idea of the series is that Biblical counseling has always been know for how it was against psychology. And, with reason, there’s a lot we object to. But we’ve also always said that there is good in the secular psychological endeavor, which is our neighboring discipline. This series is our attempt to explore that side of the equation a bit further.” Host, Alasdair Groves discusses with David Powlison the areas where he has benefitted from secular psychology.

This is part 3 of a 3 part series: Part 1 | Part 2

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Alasdair Groves

Executive Director

Alasdair is the Executive Director of CCEF, as well as a faculty member and counselor. He has served at CCEF since 2009. He holds a master of divinity with an emphasis in counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. Alasdair cofounded CCEF New England, where he served as director for ten years. He also served as the director of CCEF’s School of Biblical Counseling for three years. He is the host of CCEF’s podcast, Where Life & Scripture Meet, and is the coauthor of Untangling Emotions (Crossway, 2019).

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Headshot for Author, Speaker

David Powlison

Author, Speaker

David Powlison served as CCEF’s executive director (2014-2019), a faculty member, and senior editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling. He held a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania and an MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary. David wrote extensively on biblical counseling and on the relationship between faith and psychology. His books Seeing with New Eyes and Speaking Truth in Love probe the implications of Scripture for how to understand people and how to counsel. The Biblical Counseling Movement: History and Context explores the background and development of CCEF’s mission. David is survived by his wife Nan, their three children and spouses, and seven grandchildren.

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