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Interacting with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s Theory (Micro Session)


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The five stages of grief, offered by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, is one of the most influential psychological theories ever put forth. This interpretation of the grief process has become a staple of popular culture. We’ve all heard the progression: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Is this how it works? Are these actually “stages”? Is there a better way of thinking about how grief unfolds? Click here to download the outline for this session.

This audio is from a micro breakout session from the 2014 National Conference, “Loss: Finding Hope that Lasts when Life Falls Apart."

David Powlison serves as CCEF’s executive director, as a faculty member, and as senior editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling. He holds a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania and an MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary.