JBC Volume 16:1 (Fall 1997) PDF
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Add to cartPurchase a digital copy of the Journal of Biblical Counseling volume 16:1. The mission of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling. We seek to do this through publishing articles that faithfully bring the God of truth, mercy and power to the issues that face pastoral ministries of counseling and discipleship. The Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is currently published three times per year, available in both print and digital subscriptions.
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Table of Contents
- What Is Biblical Counseling, Anyway? Edward T. Welch
- A Tribute to Pastor William Goode Randy Patten
Letters to the Editor
- Applying the Family Covenant Model, Part 3 Paul Randolph
- Incarnational Ministry: An Interview with Elizabeth Hernandez David Powlison
- Learning the Fear of the Lord: A Case Study Edward T. Welch
- How to Deal with Anger Henry Brand
- Getting to the Heart of Conflict: Anger Part 3 David Powlison
Let Me Draw a Picture
- Picturing the Heart of Conflict David Powlison
- The Slippery Slope Corlette Sande
- How Jesus Loved the Sinful Woman and Simon the Pharisee David Tate
Book Reviews
- When People Are Big and God Is Small by Edward T. Welch Robert D. Jones
- The Young Peacemaker Series by Corlette Sande David Powlison
- Women Helping Women by Carol Cornish and Elyse Fitzpatrick, Eds. Sharon B. Covington
- Alleluia by Michael Podesta David Powlison
Queries & Controversies
- What Assignments Can I Give a Counselee Who is a Poor Reader? Jim Newheiser
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