JBC Volume 15:2 (Winter 1997) PDF
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Add to cartPurchase a digital copy of the Journal of Biblical Counseling volume 15:2. The mission of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling. We seek to do this through publishing articles that faithfully bring the God of truth, mercy and power to the issues that face pastoral ministries of counseling and discipleship. The Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is currently published three times per year, available in both print and digital subscriptions.
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Table of Contents
- Keep the Truth Alive John Bettler
Letters to the Editor
- How to Encourage Cordial Debate F. Lionel Young, III
- Ecclesiastes and Counsel Under the Sun George M. Schwab, Sr.
- The Family Covenant Model, Part 1: A Biblical Model of the Family Paul Randolph
- America’s Last Men and Their Magnificent Talking Cure Os Guinness
- The Price of Perfection Robin Marantz Henig
- Your Looks: What the Voices Say and the Images Portray David Powlison
- Sometimes You Get It Right John Bettler
Book Reviews
- Four Books on Homosexuality Edward T. Welch
Queries & Controversies
- How Should You Counsel a Case of Domestic Violence?
Helping the Victim Edward T. Welch
Helping the Perpetrator Paul Tripp & David Powlison
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