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A Practical Guide to Dating Wisely


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Dating Wisely: Dating is a big deal in our culture and in our churches. People have strong feelings about whether or not people should date and how they should go about it. And the fact remains that choosing who to marry is a difficult and often stressful task. We need help in order to wisely think about how to choose a life partner. How do you make godly choices about who to pursue, when to pursue, how to pursue, and how to discern if you should get married or break up? Though overwhelming, these challenges are enormous opportunities for growth through the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, as well as a chance to deeply bless a potential spouse. In contrast to our radically self-centered dating culture, wisdom calls us to a responsible, servant-hearted love for those to whom we are attracted and a core commitment to obeying and trusting Jesus when deciding on a spouse. Click here to download the outline for this session.

This lecture is from the 2013 National Conference, “Not Alone: The Relational Core of Life and Counseling.”