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Alasdair GrovesTodd Stryd

Power in Counseling with Todd Stryd

February 27, 2018


“The fun thing about conversations is that you don’t know where they’re going when you begin. For me, the excitement of a podcast is two people sitting down and exploring a new territory together with no map, and sometimes not even a destination—just an entry gate. Today’s conversation fits the bill perfectly, and the topic is an interesting one: what does it mean for a counselor to have power? How did Jesus use his power? We certainly don’t come with an exhaustive answer, but I hope you’ll enjoy the hike through unknown territory in our episode today.” Host, Alasdair Groves

Additional Resource: Power Differences in Counseling by Ed Welch

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Alasdair Groves

Executive Director

Alasdair is the Executive Director of CCEF, as well as a faculty member and counselor. He has served at CCEF since 2009. He holds a master of divinity with an emphasis in counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. Alasdair cofounded CCEF New England, where he served as director for ten years. He also served as the director of CCEF’s School of Biblical Counseling for three years. He is the host of CCEF’s podcast, Where Life & Scripture Meet, and is the coauthor of Untangling Emotions (Crossway, 2019).

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Headshot for Faculty

Todd Stryd


Todd is a faculty member and the counseling coordinator at CCEF, where he has served since 2005. He holds a doctor of psychology from Immaculata University and a master of divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary. He has experience as a hospital chaplain, crisis worker, and university counselor. He has written a minibook entitled Schizophrenia: A Compassionate Approach.

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