Forgiving Others: Joining Wisdom and Love
Written byTim Lane
Forgiving someone who has hurt you is one of the most difficult tasks anyone ever faces. In fact, it is so hard that most people avoid it at all costs. But when we don’t forgive, we pay the price of bitterness that affects all of our relationships. Is it possible to forgive a great wrong and treat others with compassion despite the way they have treated us?
Timothy S. Lane, drawing on his personal, pastoral, and counseling experience, explains that only when you understand God’s love and forgiveness for you, will you be able to forgive those who have deeply hurt you. He applies that truth by explaining what forgiveness looks like in different situations and how to wisely practice forgiveness in the midst of difficult circumstances.
About the Authors
Timothy S. Lane, MDiv, DMin, is a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) with over 30 years of experience in pastoral ministry, counseling, teaching, and executive leadership. He is the author of several minibooks and the coauthor of the books How People Change and Relationships: A Mess Worth Making and the curricula Change and Your Relationships and How People Change. Tim speaks internationally, consults with churches and writes about the importance of pastoral care. For more information, visit his personal website at timlane.org.
Book Details
24 pages
Publisher: New Growth Press
Publication Year: 2009