Depression: The Way Up When You Are Down
Written byEd Welch
Lost ambition. Emotional numbness. Fear and withdrawal. Fatigue. Marks of what is commonly called depression. If you are one of the many people suffering from depression, there is hope and there is help–a way up when you are down. Even if you don’t feel like doing anything, this booklet provides manageable steps for getting started on the path that leads out of depression.
Edward T. Welch helps us understand the spiritual issues involved, whether one’s depression is caused by physical problems or results in them. Getting to the heart of what depression says and means, Welch guides us through a process of dealing with it biblically and effectively.
Good counsel for those who struggle: hear the gospel of Christ, know and act on your purpose. This minibook suggests 11 practical steps of love and obedience.
Book Details
32 pages
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Publication Date: 2000
eBook Details
40 pages
Publisher: New Growth Press
Publication Year: 2011