March 29, 2024
What is CCEF doing this year?
Dear friend,
“What is CCEF doing this year?” As you can imagine, that’s a question people regularly ask us. Perhaps you’ve asked it yourself. I want to briefly answer that question today and invite you to consider making a gift to invest in our everyday ministry to serve the church.
What is CCEF doing this year? We have new initiatives. We’re researching church curricula and making plans to roll out a beta version of a new series of curricula this fall. We’d love to have a package that makes biblical counseling even easier for pastors to get into the hands of their people.
We’re developing a pastors course. Pastors have often told us how hard it is to fit our courses into their busy schedules. So we’re creating a course designed specifically for them, both in content and format, taught by Ed Welch.
But new is only part of the story—in some ways, a small part. In fact, much of what we do doesn’t change from year to year. Counselees are receiving help. Church leaders, counselors, and Christians of all callings are being trained in our certificate courses. People come to conferences and church speaking events, where they learn from faculty who have experience and wisdom in particular topics. Journal articles are written, videos recorded, and resources proliferated around the world.
New can be exciting, and don’t get me wrong—we continue to desire to grow and improve all of what we do for greater service to the Lord and his people.
Yet I’m reminded that the heart of biblical counseling is not in programs, formats, or initiatives. Biblical counseling is about serving people, something that’s been true of CCEF since its inception and that we pray will be true of CCEF going forward.
With that in mind, would you invest in the church’s soul care by making a donation today? Your partnership equips pastors, resources counselors and lay leaders, and ministers to strugglers.

Brian Stenson
Director of Advancement
P. S. We’ve recently been reflecting on how the Lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Ps 50). We’re asking God to provide for this work out of his abundant storehouses. When you make a donation to CCEF, it’s a part of God’s unbridled generosity to us and all those helped by biblical counseling. Thank you for considering donating to this work.