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Making Sense of Complex Problems


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Complex problems need wise healers. People crave an explanation that points to a definitive fix. Church, mental health system, pop culture, strugglers, friends and family share that craving. But there are no pat answers and no quick fixes for the kinds of brokenness that psychiatric labels describe. We are dealing with human beings here. What goes into restoring and rebuilding a life? A person struggling through all-consuming problems needs wise help. The love we offer must stay true to the complexity of need, and our explanations must be deep-down true. We must have a feel for long, slow processes, be willing to live within uncertainties, and yet keep our bearings. We must combine indestructible hope with realistic expectations. This general session aims to get us oriented and off to a good start.

This lecture is from the 2011 National Conference, “Psychiatric Disorders.” Also available as a DVD curriculum designed to be used individually or in a group setting.