Loss Curriculum (Includes 1 DVD + 1 Workbook)
Add to cartLoss—A biblical approach to understanding how God transforms our sorrows is the second in a new series of curriculum. In this particular package, you will receive one individual workbook only.
Description: In a moment everything can change. Loss is an inescapable reality that we all must face. Loss is not a topic. The most significant losses in life have no solutions short of the resurrection. As Christians we know our sorrows are to be transformed into something more than our own experiences. But sometimes our loss is so great our experience drowns out all truth, all hope.
Through our suffering God pours out his love in Christ Jesus. And in his timing, he intends that love to overflow and spill into the lives of others. The comfort we receive God uses to help us comfort others (2 Corinthians 1:3–7). We are always in the dual role of sufferer and comforter. With that in mind, this workbook incorporates reflection and biblical study that will help you grow in wisdom—both in facing your own losses and in tenderly caring for those you love who are facing a loss.
This study is not a comprehensive methodology for how to counsel someone through a loss. It is an introductory study that provides a biblical framework for understanding loss. This study is designed to be used individually or in a group setting.
For more information, download the FAQ PDF.
No one wants their days defined by loss, but the months following the massive tornado that killed my husband and two of my nine children, my days seemed to be consumed with it. Our family seemed to have lost everything: our home, most of our possessions, our business and, most importantly, the core of our family. Though I had experienced loss before, most notably in the loss of my mother a few years before, nothing had prepared me for this. I needed help.
In God’s kindness, my husband and I had been meeting with a biblical counselor from our church. After the storm, counseling sessions shifted rapidly from parenting and finances to grief and loss. Providentially, I encountered the Loss material from CCEF in the first few months of my journey and, though the fog of grief reduced my capacity to take it all in, my counselor took these truths and gently helped me infuse them into my thinking.
Through the months that have followed, the deep purposes of God in suffering and loss have helped me find hope and meaning in the struggle. I have learned that this dark path along the Via Dolorosa has brought me into fellowship with our Savior’s sufferings. Though the path is still dark sometimes, I know that my Lord is walking it with me. He knows this road and has walked it before – many times.
I am so thankful that the Lord moved my friends at CCEF to create this curriculum at a time when He knew I would need it the most. God has provided for me in many ways and the truths of Scripture found in the Loss curriculum rank among His most important provision.