Living Scripture: 2018 National Conference Download
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Add to cartChristian growth catches fire where life and Scripture meet. We change when, in the midst of our day-to-day joys, sorrows, sufferings, and sins, we encounter Jesus Christ through his Word and find his grace and mercy for our time of need. We help others change when, in the midst of their day-to-day joys, sorrows, sufferings, and sins, we point them to Jesus Christ through his Word to find grace and mercy for their time of need. Scripture tells us that this is an ongoing process. The stories of our lives are to be shaped and reshaped, again and again, so that we might be increasingly transformed into the character of our God (2 Peter 1:4).
But how do we find the intersection between life and Scripture? Connecting the stories of our lives with the redemptive story of Scripture is often challenging. There are certain life struggles that defy an easy appeal to the Bible. Can we really find hope and practical help in Scripture for complex and thorny problems? What about hope and help for the ordinary, day-to-day struggles common to all: conflict between family members, financial strain, and vocational decisions? And what do we do with passages of Scripture that seem irrelevant to our lives? How are the directions for building the Tabernacle and consecrating the priesthood (Exodus 25-30), genealogies (1 Chronicles 1-9), a personal appeal to a slave-holder (Philemon), and much of the book of Revelation applicable to life? Can we find hope and practical help from these passages as well? How does Scripture apply to our lives, really?
This conference will increase our confidence that Scripture is not only relevant but essential to helping us navigate life in all its beautiful and distressing complexity. It will demonstrate how the Redeemer Jesus Christ meets us through his Word. It will teach us how to see and embrace the life-giving connections between our lives and the Bible, giving us hope and clarity both in our suffering and in our struggles with sin. Once we see them, these connections form the building blocks for all counseling and ministry to others.
Conference Details
- Conference Dates: Friday, October 19, 2018 to Sunday, October 21, 2018
- Conference Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Product Details
- 7 General Sessions + 19 Breakout Sessions (20 hours of audio)
- 4 Supplemental Videos (28 minutes of video)
- Outlines & Slides included
- 2.03 GB
General Sessions
- Loving Your Bible: A Personal Invitation | Ed Welch
- Understanding Scripture: How the Story of Scripture Makes Sense of the Stories of our Lives | Nancy Guthrie
- Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself Clearly in Scripture | Mike Emlet
- Practically Speaking: How to Bring the Bible to (Your) Life | Mike Emlet
- Praying Scripture: The Cry of the Longing Heart | Joe Novenson
- Common Ground? Scripture, Counseling and Nonbelievers | Alasdair Groves
- The Living and Active Word of God | Steve Midgley
Breakout Sessions
- Ancient Text Meets the 21st Century: Submission in Marriage | Robyn Huck
- Be Like Martha? Scripture’s Invitation to the Overly Responsible | Laura Andrews
- Consider the Alternative: Good Lessons from Bad Examples | Robyn Huck
- Developing Your Skills in Seeing Christ in All of Scripture | Nancy Guthrie
- Drawing Near to the God of Peace | Cecelia Bernhardt
- Getting Personal: Applying Scripture to the Person in Front of You | Darby Strickland
- Getting to Know the God of Unfailing Love | Janet Nygren
- Gleaning Wisdom from Seldom Used Passages | Alasdair Groves
- Going Deeper: Meditating on One Passage of Scripture | Steve Midgley
- Hearing Scripture Speak into Your Sorrow | Nancy Guthrie
- Husbands: Cleanse Your Wives Through the Word | by Aaron Sironi
- Living Under Threat of Violence with the Imprecatory Psalms | by Michael Gembola
- Prepare to Care: Prioritizing Personal Engagement with Scripture | by Eliza Huie
- Restoring Hearts to Scripture: Reconnecting with God’s Words After They Were Used to Hurt You | Darby Strickland
- Schizophrenia, Psychosis, and Scripture? Finding Certainty in Chaos | by Todd Stryd
- Scripture’s Reflection on Body Image | by Julie Lowe
- So Much Richer Than “Just Do It!”: Reading Ephesians 6:1-4 in Context | Libbie Groves
- The Use and Misuse of the Bible’s Teaching on Dating and Courtship | Michael Gembola
- Three Rules of Thumb: Lessons Learned from Using Scripture in the Counseling Room | Todd Stryd