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For Better and for Worse: Loving over the Long Haul (Part 1)


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This is Part 1 of a 4-part talk: Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Marriage often shows us how difficult it is to love. This workshop will help you to make the connections between knowing Christ, changing your heart, and loving your spouse to improve your marriage as well as your relationships with others.

In the first of a four-part talk, Winston Smith identifies themes that can help anyone who cares about relationships, not just trained counselors. Starting with a marital case study, Smith discusses three approaches that helpers often turn toward to minister to a hurting person or couple. He shows us that while Jesus used all these approaches, he had an even broader framework for understanding relationships. Smith widens our view of what God is up to in relationships and encourages us to not be tied down to one approach or strategy. This frees us to move thoughtfully and wisely in all relationships and in our counsel to others.