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Sex Matters: 2009 National Conference Download


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7 general sessions and 16 breakout sessions

Sex Matters: When you see the word SEX what is your initial reaction? Do you blush? Cringe? Yawn? Think of your husband or wife? Or do you let your mind wander down an avenue of sordid images?

Would it even occur to you to thank God for it?

Though you might have trouble doing it right now, we can thank God for it. He gave sex to us as a symbol and a celebration of His love for us. We shouldn’t be surprised then that something that symbolizes the power and beauty of His love would be powerful and shaming when it is misused. How could such a wonderful gift have become so complicated, even dangerous? Like every good thing God created, sex has been broken and twisted by sin.

But that’s not the end of the story. Jesus, God’s greatest gift of all, came into the world to mend the broken and straighten what has been bent. However your life has been touched by sex distorted by sin, the solution isn’t to hide either your wounds or your secret pleasures, but to allow the love of Christ to remove shame and purify the heart so the gift can be enjoyed again.

Conference Details

  • Conference Dates: Friday, November 13, 2009 to Sunday, November 15, 2009
  • Conference Location: Valley Forge, PA

Product Details

  • 7 General Sessions + 16 Breakout Sessions (24 hours of audio)
  • Outlines & Slides not available with this product
  • 582 MB

General Sessions

CCEF Faculty Live
CCEF Faculty

Creation – What’s Right About Sex
Winston Smith

Jesus Our Redeemer
David Powlison

Redeeming Sex for Singles
Lauren Winner

Redeeming Sex in Marriage
Mike Emlet

Sex and Heaven – Why Sex Isn’t Everything
Tim Lane

The Fall – Sex Contaminated
Ed Welch

Breakout Sessions

Counseling Couples Living Together
David Powlison

Culture Clash to Culture Conscious: Different Views of Sex
Monica Kim

How Church Leaders Should Respond to Sexual Abuse
Tim Lane

Lies the Church and Culture Tell Us
Lauren Winner

Marriage, Adultery and God’s Wrath
Mike Kelly

Mom and Dad: What Is Sex?
Julie Lowe

Recovering from Sexual Abuse
Diane Langberg

Redeeming Crisis Pregnancy
Jane K. Winn

Sex On the College Campus
Rod Mays

Solo Sex
Winston Smith

Struggling with Same Sex Attraction
Ellen Dykas & David White

Truly Male, Truly Female
Mike Emlet

What Does the Bible Actually Say?
Robert Gagnon

When A Position of Authority is Misused
Elliott Greene

When A Spouse Has A Headache
Ed Welch

When Sex in Marriage Does Not Work
Philip Monroe